Super Quick & Easy Apple Tart Recipe + Life Updates


It’s My Most Favorite Time of The Year

Let’s start with the life updates shall we? I’m a huge fan of autumn, the transition into winter and the holidays. Basically, this time of year is my jam. This is no surprise to anyone who has met me or follows me online (*cough cough, if you don’t already, follow my Instagram for some very seasonal content). I love the weather, the colors, the fashion, the foods and just the energy that’s in the air. I think my favorite part is the transitions and build-up of all the holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah (if you’re like me and celebrate both!)

I know it’s a bit late for sharing falls stuff—although in Portland fall and winter are fairly similar seasons if we don’t have any “freak” snowstorms—but I took that opening photo back in late October and couldn’t help sharing it. This fall-winter season has shaped up to be a very eventful for me. I ended my October with a trip to Disneyland to check out the new Galaxy’s Edge park and just enjoy the seasonal park decor (you can check out my YouTube video form the trip for more!)


Starting Something New

I feel like this year has been in constant flux—particularly when it comes to my career. I took a bit of a break from my personal work for the better half of 2019 (yikes!). I swear I’m coming back and have some exciting partnerships for 2020. I’m setting myself some pretty ambitious goals to kick off the new decade, (and I’ll be sharing them in a dedicated New Years post later this month).

In November, I also started a new full-time job as a Creative Manager. “Moving on up,” as we say. I know what you’re thinking, “Gretchen, why would you set yourself an ambitious set of personal goals while also taking on a new full-time career? There just isn’t enough hours!” And yes, you are probably correct. But if 2019 has reinforced one important lesson I’ve learned (more than once) in life, it’s that I tend to be a bit all-or-nothing when it comes to career stuff. The busier I am the better I am at magically finding the time to get ALL the things done. Too much free time and I backslide into the life of a college student following a passion for cinema by marathoning every episode of every hit show on Netflix. Don’t get me wrong, I am very content watching every episode of the Great British Bake Off. But the nagging voice in the back of my head that asks, “Shouldn’t you be writing???” has a good point and it’s time to get back to business. Am I risking surpassing my adulting abilities? Only time will tell.


Super Quick & Easy Apple Tart

And now to the reason we’re really here. December is busier than ever! Christmas is less than a week away (how????). Between my new work schedule, holiday events, and trying to cram in as much festive cheer as one can stomach, my free time to just “mess around” in the kitchen is feeling almost non-existent. Whenever I’m having an even busier-than-normal holiday season, I still make a point to squeeze in as much baking as possible. To me, it just wouldn’t feel like the holidays without a few home-baked treats. When I don’t have time to meticulously craft any of my more elaborate desserts, cakes, or pastries, I like to fall back onto some timeless, faster recipes I can whip up in a bit of a time crunch. By far one of my favorite of these easy, standbys is my Easy Apple Tart recipe.

True to its name, it’s incredibly fast and easy to put together and needs fairly little on hand, too! I start with a puff pastry base. For something like this, I like to use a frozen puff. If you’ve worked with puff pastry before you’ll already know that creating your puff from scratch kind of nullifies the whole “quick and easy” claim to the recipe. I tend to keep a box of puff pastry in the freezer at all times—convenient to grab for a recipe like this, or to bust out a quick baked brie or appetizers for any dinner parties. I then layer the puff with a generous spoonful (or two) of jam, thinly sliced apples, and a dusting of cinnamon and sugar—Voila!

In addition to being super easy to make, this tart is a fairly light dessert—something I appreciate more after a super heavy winter meal.


Super Simple Apple Tart


  • one sheet frozen puff pastry

  • couple tablespoons of jam (enough to cover pastry)

  • 1-2 apples (depending on how thick you slice them, how big a tart)

  • 1 teaspoon Cinnamon

  • Smidgen of nutmeg

  • 1 Tablespoon Sugar

  • half a tablespoon butter

Pre-heat oven to 400 (f)

Let puff pastry thaw (I often let it come up closer to room temp). As the puff thaws, core and thinly slice apple. I tend to keep the peel on but you can remove it if that’s your preference. In a small bowl, combine cinnamon, nutmeg, and sugar.

Lay flat on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Cut about a half-inch off from around all 4 edges (save for later). Spoon on jam. (I recommend strawberry, raspberry, or lingonberry, but go ahead and experiment with your favorite jam.) Layer the half-inch on top of the edges of the puff (cut off excess), to create a bit of an extra-thick edging (wall). Layer your apple slices on the inside. I like to slice my apples really thin and really cram in a lot of slices. They should over-lap a bit. Sprinkle on the cinnamon sugar layer. Place a thin slice of butter on top. (I just plop 4-6 slivers around the tart so it’ll melt evenly.)

Bake for 10-15 minutes. Puff should be a puffed up along the edges and browning. Jam will look oozy while hot. Let sit to cool. Slice and serve! The tart will stay good in an air-tight container for a few days (if it lasts that long). I usually make this day-of, but could be made the night before you plan to eat it.

