Posts tagged spring
READING PICKS {Spring '18}

Spring is here and I couldn't be more excited. After a long winter, I'm feeling super thankful for the warmer temperatures and sunnier days. Flowers are popping up all over my neighborhood, and I finally got to get back into the garden and beginning planting for summer. It's starting to truly feel like spring for me. The changing of the season also means a self-checkin on how I'm doing on my 50 Books Reading Challenge. At 11 books, I'm just slightly behind pace for my goal (this past month has been a little hectic and I just haven't gotten as much reading done). I guess I'll have to kick it up a bit this spring to make up for it.  I followed up my winter Harry Potter binge with a whole lot of non-fiction. In particular, I focused on a lot of autobiographies written by strong, inspirational women. (It was a very self-empowering book-marathon.) 

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